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yes123求職網昨天舉辦服務業面談會,六千人次預約面試,爭搶二十九家大企業急徵的八千零八十三個 工作機會,因首創APP報到服務,初步面試過關率平均達六十%、七十%!




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UV 點光源機


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牙醫師表示,曾碰一位老煙槍病人,三年多前就已經來看診諮詢植牙,這位50多歲的先生口中都是長牙橋,很多顆牙齒連在一起,牙周狀況也很差,醫師建議要及早展開治療。不料這位病人因為工作忙,再加上初期牙周病也不會痛,患者認為手術還要麻醉跟吃藥才麻煩! 因而掉以輕心,等到再次檢查時,牙齒問題嚴重惡化,治療計畫更加費時費力,可說是越拖越嚴重的典型個案之一。


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現代人習慣在使用Google Map定位目的地或是搜尋附近店家,不難發現最近Google Map上多了一項功能──「瀏覽內部實景」,點進去後能立即走進店家內部,用滑鼠點擊就能在店內自由走動,觀看細部的裝潢擺設,在線上親身感受店內氛圍,成為消費者在選擇餐廳、旅館民宿時一項重大指標。



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For food industry and plastic recycling, the color sorter machine is widely used to sorter different color of defective items. It can be applied for many materials such as tea, rice, cereal, grain, beans, nuts and non-food like plastic materials: PE, PVC, PP, etc. In general, the machine takes good advantage of CCD technology to color sorting solutions. The CCD in your camera has the function of measuring light at three separate wavelengths of red, green, and blue. That is to say, this is able to recognize color while separate defective items.

The system is added to special algorithm, such as shape selection, area algorithm in order to solve sorting problems like sorting some specific materials like beans according to their shapes, color, and area at the same time and make multi species color sorting to accomplish.


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At present, there are several types of color sorter machines in the industry, from beans color sorter machine, rice color sorter machine to plastic color sorter machine. However, no matter which type is it, the main idea of working color sorter is the same. The basic working principle is: the color difference between good item which is purity and defective item (unwanted). To get started the sorting solution, the color sorter machine should translate the photo signal to electronic signal by photo-sensor and other complex element; then due to there is difference between good materials and bad materials, so corresponding there is also a difference good materials' electronic current. And we can adjust some degree electronic current issafe(good materials) and other isdangerous(defective or unwanted materials).

At last, when the electronic current is "safe", there is nothing happens and rice will successfully fall down to the accepted output; but if the electronic current is "dangerous", the ejector will be driven to blow away the bad or unwanted materials.


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The general image of Taipei in my mind was filled with motorcycles and people in the narrow paths and sidewalks. However, Taipei journey in recent days broke my thoughts toward Taipei. I had great impression in Taipei, especially the apartment rentals we booked, the good taste we had and the historical cultures we admired.

Among of my travel in Taiwan, I spent my entire day exploring Taipei’s NationalPalaceMuseum, which is famous for its heritage, historical antiques and pieces of art. I fully indulged myself in the old days of Chinese history and experienced the world-renowned magnificent palace. For the last day of dinner, we had Din Tai Fung near our serviced hotel in Xinyi district to taste the exceptional gourmet, the elite of Chinese food, dumpling, dim sum items and hot and sour soup. All the dishes are very delicious! It made the best ending of my Taipei trip.


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For the different shapes of tea leaves and tea stems, in combination with the spectral feature of image, the tea color sorter machine determines the shape and color algorithm to identify accurately defects in the materials. Different tea varieties are all available from original material, tea color sorting to final rejection to the end good product. This machine features to use the micro aberration distinguishing technology to effectively solve the sorting of tea with stems.

Otherwise, the tea color sorter machine adopts double layer and double sided with 360 degree view of identification to substantially increase the sorting performance. We use both the double-layer sorting system to complete sorting of materials and dedicated feed system ensuring uniformity of materials at one time to reduce damage to tea leaves.


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Jietai Intelligent Technology equipped cereal color sorter machine view in both monochromatic ‘visible' light and NIR wavelength(s) simultaneously. NIR can be used to remove defective and foreign material that is the same visible color as the good cereal products. Examples include clear glass in white rice, brown stones in peanuts, mould damage in almonds, cob in corn grits, burnt material in flaked breakfast cereals, etc.

Foreign material can react differently to varying NIR wavelengths and therefore our tri-chromatic machines sort in two different mono wavelengths plus one NIR or one mono plus two different NIR wavelengths at the same time. Our tri-chromatic technology has an enviable reputation in the cereal and grains sorting industry, in many cases completely removing the need for manual inspection tables.


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Around 1930, the idea of a machine able to sort by color was introduced in the US. By 1937, the first color sorting machine was made in England. The first color sorting machine was introduced to Japan in 1966 and the usage of these machines has since spread worldwide. Put simply, color sorting machines can detect and remove materials based on colors and visual elements not previously possible with conventional sorting machines. 

Discolored or damaged rice and foreign substances could now be sorted out by these machines, thus the product quality significantly improved.  Recently, due to traceability issues, farmers themselves have started to purchase rice color sorting machine due to the demand of consumers who prefer to purchase directly from farmers.


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The final steps in coffee processing involve removing the last layers of dry skin and remaining fruit residue from the now dry coffee, and cleaning and sorting it. These steps are often called dry milling to distinguish them from the steps that take place before drying, which collectively are called wet milling.

The first step in dry milling is removing what is left of the fruit from the bean, whether simply the crumbly parchment skin in the case of wet-processed coffee, the parchment skin and dried mucilage in the case of semi-dry-processed coffee, or the entire dry, leathery fruit covering in the case of dry-processed coffee.


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While you are installing the tea color sorter machine, please avoid vibration and other interference in order to keep a good working condition of the equipment.



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